
Developer: Eco Majestic Sdn Bhd (1002247-X). Developer’s license: 13544-5/01-2019/01177(L). Validity Period: 08/01/2018-07/01/2019. Advertising & Sales Permit: 13544-5/01-2019/01177(P). Validity Period: 08/01/2018-07/01/2019. Land Tenure: Freehold. Approving Local Authority: Majlis Perbandaran Kajang. Expected Date of Completion: January 2019. Land Encumbrances: Hong Leong Investment Bank Berhad. Restriction in Interest: Nil. Type of property: Terrace House. Total Units: 658 units. Building Plan Ref No: Size: 20’x 70′, Bil (13) dlm. MPKJ 2/P/43/2015, RM866,800 (min) – RM1,213,300 (max). Size: 22’x 70′, Bil (13) dlm. MPKJ 2/P/43/2015, RM954,800 (min) – RM1,305,700 (max). Size: 22’x 80′, Bil (13) dlm. MPKJ 2/P/42/2015, RM998,800 (min) – RM1,357,400 (max). Size: 24’x 80′, Bil (13) dim. MPKJ 2/P/42/2015, RM1,075,800 (min) – RM1,458,600 (max). Bumiputera Discount: 7%.

All art renderings and photographs contained in this circular are artist’s impression only. The Developer reserves the right to modify any part of parts of the building prior to completion as directed or approved by the architects and/or the relevant authorities. All plans, layout, information and specifications are subject to change and cannot form part of an offer or contract presentation.


Developer: Eco Majestic Sdn Bhd (1002247-X) . Developer’s License: 13544-8/10-2019/0773(L), 13544-9/10-2019/0772(L), 13544-10/10-2019/0777(L), 13544-11/10-2019/0778(L) . Validity Period: 05/10/2017-04/10/2019 . Advertising & Sales Permit: 13544-8/10-2019/0773(P), 13544-9/10-2019/0772(P), 13544-10/10-2019/0777(P), 13544-11/10-2019/0778(P) . Validity Period: 05/10/2017-04/10/2019 . Land Tenure: Freehold . Approving Local Authority: Majlis Perbandaran Kajang . Expected Date of Completion: December 2020 . Land Encumbrances: Hong Leong Investment Bank Berhad . Restriction in Interest: Nil . Type of Property: Cluster Home, Semi-D & Bungalow . Total Units: 384 units . Building Plan Ref No.: Bil(14)dlm.MPKj.2/P/3/2017 & Bil(14)dlm.MPKj.2/P/6/2017: Type 6A: 32’ x 85’, RM1,503,050 (min) – RM1,679,000 (max); Type 6A1: 32’ x 75’, RM1,390,350 (min) – RM1,546,750 (max); Type 6B: 36’ x 90’, RM1,762,950 (min) – RM1,887,150 (max); Type 6B1: 36’ x 80’, RM1,616,900 (min) – RM1,765,250 (max) . Bil(15)dlm.MPKj.2/P/5/2017 & Bil(15)dlm.MPKj.2/P/5/2017: Type 6C: 50’ x 85’, RM2,296,550 (min) – RM2,464,450 (max); Type 6D: 50’ x 90’, RM2,351,750 (min) – RM2,555,300 (max); Type 6E: 65’ x 95’, RM2,906,050 (min) – RM3,131,000 (max) . Bumiputera Discount: 7%

All art renderings and photographs contained in this circular are artist’s impression only. The Developer reserves the right to modify any part of parts of the building prior to completion as directed or approved by the architects and/or the relevant authorities. All plans, layout, information and specifications are subject to change and cannot form part of an offer or contract presentation.